Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Baby Makes Three

I am pre-writing this post on April 19, 2013.  On Sunday, April 14, 2013, after about a year and a half of trying, we finally got multiple positive home pregnancy tests!  I am over-the-moon with joy.  It has really been a struggle for us to get pregnant.  I think it may be due to the fact that I was on birth control for nearly a decade, and also because Tomm worked graveyards for a long time right after we got married.

In all honestly, I am a bit scared.  This will be my first child, but being a mother is something I have wanted since I was fourteen.  We are crossing our fingers for a son, but obviously, more than anything, a healthy, happy baby.

Perhaps I will start blogging more to keep up with the long pregnancy I have ahead of me.  But don't I always say I'm going to start blogging more?  Yeah, we'll see.

[Edited on May 14]:
I am finally ready to post this entry.  On May 7, we went to the doctor and got to see the baby for the first time.  We could also hear the heartbeat.  It was all very overwhelming (in a good way).  We only saw the doctor for a total of maybe ten minutes, even though we were at Kaiser for over two hours.  So much paperwork!  Haha.  The ultrasound below was taken at eight weeks and today marks the ninth.  I really wanted to wait until three months passed before sharing our good news, but Tomm could not keep quiet about it.  He posted the ultrasound on Facebook almost immediately after it was taken, and proudly told everyone and anyone that we were expecting a baby.  It is sweet, because it lets me know how excited and happy he is, but I really did want to wait.  It's out in the open now though, so fingers crossed!  Please send lots of love and positive energy for the baby.

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