I can't believe I haven't had a chance to write anything else since my last post. I've tried, stopped, restarted, and then forgotten. So here's my much needed second post!
Last weekend, I attended my work's Christmas party, which is hosted at the home of one of our attorneys. Free dinner and drinks is always a good time in my book! My husband couldn't make it due to his work schedule, so one of my best friends came as my date. I always have plenty of attractive men to replace my husband as good company, but I still missed him. I'm actually kind of happy that I was able to bring M instead, since Saturday was his last night in town. He moved for school and lives almost 10 hours from me now.
M and I being silly. |
I borrowed an adorable vintage dress from one of my friends that I was able to make fairly festive with a red belt and matching bow. We did white elephant and I scored a Best Buy gift card, which is awesome because it'll be going towards my husband's gift (I know, I'm a procrastinator when it comes to Christmas shopping). But I did do good and finished
almost all my other gifts through
Amazon! I only need to get something for my husband and for Mr. Zigs.
Yesterday was Mr. H's work Christmas party. His was at a bar, so I had a little bit more fun dressing up for this one because I felt like I could actually dress a little sexy (I prefer to stay conservatively clothed around my employers). We won two raffles! Both were visa gift cards and totaled $75. How awesome is that? I was pretty happy and we both got way too wasted. I was set on going out to dinner at this new Korean place I've been wanting to try, but I had no composure left and was forced to settle for Del Taco. I was so drunk and having such a fun time that I didn't even get a good photo with Mr. H. I have a couple with just me though:
Not a very good one of us together. Haha. |
So now both of our Christmas parties have come and gone and it's time to really get ready for the special day! One of my aunti's (who just recently moved to Washington) is coming home for Christmas on the 18th and we are going to have a massive kitchen party! I was planning on doing all my Christmas cookies tomorrow, but I'm going to wait until the 23rd now. Here's my list of treats that I'll be baking with links to the recipes:
- Cran-Pistachio Cookies
- Eggnog Cookies
- Thai Tea Fudge
- Red Velvet Rice Krispies
- Holiday Rice Krispies (no recipe, just standard rice krispie treat with the holiday colors)
- Red Velvet Brownies (I don't add the buttercream frosting that this recipe calls for. I like the brownies better without it.)
- I can't think of the rest of my recipes I have planned out as my list is at home on my kitchen table creating clutter. I'll come back and edit this and add more to the list when I get a chance.
Here's to expanding waistlines! What are your favorite sweets to bake during the holiday season?
Also, if anyone could help me out, how do I get my pictures to post side-by-side (not vertically one after the other)? Thanks!